We've got three quick questions for Kirkobeeo today:
Do Bees Sleep?
-Owen in Portland, OR
Kirkobeeo Says:
I don't think so but I have read that they rest and mill around. They are like all living things that work - they get tired also.
How many times have you been stung? Does it hurt a lot?
-Owen in Portland again
Kirkobeeo Says:
I've lost count of how many times I've been stung. I don't get stung much anymore because I'm prepared and I'm a good beekeeper. Does it hurt? Not much...but it depends where. Under the chin and around the eyes hurt bad. It also depends on how many stings you get at a time. Stings don't bother me too much.
How do you decide where to place a new hive?
Kirkobeeo Says:
I just look around see whats around. The final decision is up to the bees. You will see if it is a good location on how do the bees do in there. Don't think too hard.
Got a question for Kirkobeeo? Email kirkobeeo [at] gmail [dot] com