
Do you want to become a beekeeper?

Here are some good first steps for getting started:

1. Read this blog, and check out the many videos about Backwards Beekeeping.

2. Pick up a copy of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Beekeeping—it's a great overview of treatment-free beekeeping. We also recommend Michael Bush's The Practical Beekeeper.

3. Come to a meeting of the LA Backwards Beekeepers. Look under "Key Posts" in the right-hand column of this blog for a link to the next meeting.

4. When you're ready to get started with bees, make sure you're outfitted with protective gear! It doesn't need to be expensive, but it does need to keep you safe from stings.

Protective gear and other beekeeping supplies are available in Los Angeles at:

Los Angeles Honey Company
1559 Fishburn Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90063
(323) 264-2383

Brushy Mountain Bee Farm has an excellent selection online.