Why, the fact that Kirk's birthday is coming up on Monday, of course!
That's Backwards Beekeeping for you.

I'm a first year beekeeper in Kentucky and I've been reading your blog all spring and really enjoying it. I've looked at some of the trap outs you've been doing and I am now in the position to try one of my own. Bees, about 6 years ago, moved into cinderblocks behind bricks high up on a church. They apparently swarm twice a year and I tried and failed to capture a swarm a few days ago. They showed me where the parent colony lives and basically said I could try to get them out of the blocks or they would finally call the exterminator. I can't take the blocks apart, on the other side is a nice ornamental sign and bricks.
I've read about the method of taking a nuc with a queen in it up by the entrance and use a trapout but I don't think they'll let me bring in more bees to get rid of bees. So I'm thinking about setting up a trapout on the entrance with a tube connected to a box below it and going up every few days, switching for an empty box (expect for a few frames) and combining the bees I get with a smaller split I have using the newspaper method.
Any thoughts or suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.
The Local Whale
On Tuesday, March 24, the first known hive of bees at the White House arrived at their location on the South Lawn. You don't have to count on my crummy photo to see them: just stop by the fence on the Ellipse (south) side: two deeps and a medium of Maryland mixed breed bees, with known Russian and Caucasian genetics.
The White House beekeeper is Charlie Brandts, someone who has been a quiet beekeeper in this area for three years now. His reserve is probably why he asked me to do some of the talking about his idea to include bees in the White House Victory Garden project.
During the 2008 campaign, Michelle Obama emphasized healthy, local food, and since arriving here has tasked her family's personal chef, Sam Kass, with putting a garden in to supply fresh produce for the Executive Mansion and educational events for the community. Charlie realized that this was a chance to include bees, and to show their important role in putting one of every three bites on your plate. Charlie allocated (free of charge, people!) one of his own hives for the White House Victory Garden, and it will both provide hive products and an teaching opportunities.
An Excellent White House Bee Adventure (City Bees)
My name is Brock and I'm a newly emerging organic farmer in south Louisiana. I just wanted to touch base with you and and thank you for getting some great info on the internet. It was especially your starter strip video on YouTube that well illustrated a fundamental aspect of natural beekeeping. When I first started keeping bees earlier this year the only guidance I had was from old timers in the area who were trying to lead me astray. When I mentioned foundationless beekeeping to an experienced keeper he said "whoever said that doesn't know sheep shit from shinola about keeping bees."
Anyway I now have 5 hives, 3 of which I foolishly bought from bee breeders, I caught one swarm (not from my hives) which seemingly sought me out and landed on a tree I recently planted. My 5th hive came from a swarm coming from a very old bed and breakfast. The owners said the hive has been there for at least 104 years!!
I still needs lots of info Kirk, I'd love to see you put a video up about how to respectfully harvest honey. One thing sheep shit from shinola guy said is that a foundationless frame would never hold up in an extractor, is that true? I'd also like to respectfully collect pollen as well. I hear pollen traps are harmful to bees by knocking off legs and wings. A video or blog about how to produce comb honey would be great as well.
Well you've got yourself a new backwards beekeeper who's spreading the gospel in Louisiana.