Feb. 28th Meeting Recap
The Backwards Beekeeper's meeting was well attended today and very interesting. Kirk talked about his goal of creating 80 new beekeepers this year, and how to get on the "bee list" before giving the floor to Max.
Max chronicled her and her husband Steve's adventures in apiculture over the past year which included becoming first time beekeepers, capturing a swarm, performing a cutout and their current trap out efforts.
There were baked goods to enjoy, we brought a jar of honey for from our recent harvest to share and Sue had some of her honey for sale.
After a while outside we moved inside where Steve took us through a slide show of their adventures and pictures of their log hive. I think we were all inspired by and able to learn from Max and Steve's experiences.
After that Kirk did an inspection on the Farmlab's two Langstroth hives (they also have a log hive over in the corner). With our kids getting hungry we had to head out before the lesson. I hope someone else can post pictures of the hive inspection.