Lawndale Backwards Beekeeper Dennis did a combination of swarm transfer, hive inspection, and honey harvest this weekend, assisted by Los Angeles Backwards Beekeepers John L. and son Arguna.
The story is on Dennis' blog:
John L. arrived with his 11 year old son Arguna (with his own bee suit). We would inspect the hives, make any honey decisions and he would leave with a nuc of nice gentle bees. This was a win-win-win situation. Arguna would learn more about beekeeping, so would I and I had time to take some pictures...

We had almost no aggessive behavior out either hive. I think they may have swarmed and I did not know about it. In the process the new queen may have mated with nicer bees. I am guessing about that but I am very happy with the quality and amount of honey they are producing...

Arguna gave his taste of approval. The honey was left to drain while I took the dogs out of town away from the noise of fireworks...
Honey Of A Fourth (The Buzz In The Dale)