
Kirk mentors Emma

Kirk writes:

Emma came to the last bee club meeting. She tagged along today—we went to take a swarm out of a trap at Leonardo's house.

This is Emma all geared up.

This is the top of the trap. It had comb attached, and there were 5 pizza-shaped combs in the trap.

Emma showing a frame with the comb tied in with kite string.

Bees and comb out of the trap and in the frames; the frames now in the box.

Emma looking at the bees in the box and in the tree. I like to put the box the bees are moved into back in the same place they were removed from. I like to leave them there for a couple of days.

A frame of honey in one of Leonardo's hives.

Emma looking at a frame from Leonardo's other hive. Notice the starter strip and the comb the bees are drawing.

Off to Sue's! Sue and Emma getting geared up.

Sue and Emma ready to inspect Sue's hive.

All in all, a real good day. Me and Emma removed a swarm and put it in a hive box. We inspected Leonardo's two hives. The one big hive of Leonardo's we added a box and moved five frames up.

We went to Sues and inspected her big hive. We looked for a queen, found a queen cell but no queen or eggs. We put a escape board on so Sue could remove the honey. We checked on her second hive—it was empty. We the inspected her third hive: plenty of brood. We moved two frames of brood up and closed up the hive.

Emma had a real good time and so did Sue and I.
