
Silver Lake compound is bee paradise

Primary colors hive, Silver Lake.

Kirk writes:
I went to Walker's house to drop off some honey for an art project she and her husband are doing. She lives on a hilltop in Silver Lake. She and five of her neighboors have joined their places into a community.

She has twenty hives up there and her neighbors have some hives also.

She has hives she calls "Home Depot hives" that she and her husband make. She has some Warre hives. There's a hive in a cabinet. And Japanese hives!

Hives on the roof!

Outdoor kitchen.

It's a beekeeper's Paradise up there. You can keep bees in the city, have good neighboors and build a community also.


But wait! You've got to hear how fired up Kirk is as he tells the story. Plenty more details follow: