
4-H Backwards Beekeepers win awards

Christopher, Alek, Asa, Sarah, Rachel, and Lucia with their leader, Steven Rosales

LA Backwards Beekeeper Roberta writes:

Steven (a Backwards Beekeeper in Torrance) has started a new year with some young beekeepers in the Palos Verdes Peninsula 4-H Club. They've been doing hive inspections and learning more about feral bees. I hope to join them soon and meet this new group which includes Teen Leader Rachel, Junior Leader Lucia, Sara, Christopher, Alek, Asa and Sarah.

They did a great job last year, and their hard work paid off with Lily being named County Winner and Lucia a Silver Medalist in the 4-H County Awards! Rachel won a "Best in Show" trophy for her Bee Poster. And last April, the Bee Project members collectively won the Club Trophy for their 4-H Club at the San Gabriel Valley 4-H Fair.